Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing is a novel, scientifically-sound method for overcoming trauma
It's a Little Different
Ok, EMDR is strange. In a nutshell, it involves being guided by a therapist as one moves their eyes back and forth and thinks about a traumatic event. It doesn’t sound at all like something that should work, and yet… it does. A wealth of rigorous scientific trials have demonstrated the efficacy of this approach, and I’ve seen its results firsthand.
For that Hard-to-Reach Trauma
EMDR is not for everyone, and it’s not for every issue. But where EMDR really excels is addressing trauma. It may be the death of a loved one or an embarrassing experience from middle school, but we all carry painful memories long after they’ve stopped serving us, and sometimes even after trying to address them through other means. This is where EMDR shines.
Trained and Experienced
I received training from the EMDR Center of the Rockies, which is approved by the EMDR International Association as a valid provider. I’ve also experienced EMDR myself. I can testify to its effectiveness, and to how bizarre it can feel at first. So don’t worry, I get it.