What Am I Like?
Screw “back to normal.” I want you doing better than that.
No two people exist in the same exact circumstances, even within relationships. As such, I adapt my approach to the needs of each individual client. I don’t have specific answers for how people should feel or behave, but rather ethical broad strokes that we’ll use to come to an answer together. These are views like:
-People have intrinsic value, and deserve basic respect. Any further respect is based on behavior, and can be earned or lost.
-Your uniqueness is one of the best parts about you. You deserve to indulge your weird desires and hobbies and interests, assuming they don’t harm anyone else.
-One’s backstory is an explanation, not an excuse. I don’t care what your ex went through, they don’t get to call you that.
-You are not irreparably broken.
Big Gay Therapy
All genders and sexualities are welcome in my practice. I’m a fabulous bisexual myself, and I adore the opportunity to work with other members of the queer community.
Straight folks: don’t worry, I have plenty of cisgender, heterosexual clients too, and they all receive the same high quality of care.
About Me
I’m a practicing therapist with an MSW from the University of Denver, and it took me a little while to get there. My undergrad was in writing and theater at Ithaca College, and then I spent the next 8 years navigating queer, poly, and kink spaces in NYC. I’ve been around the block a few times, and while most of my insight comes from education and training, more than a little bit comes from experience.