Positively Smashing:
Sex Therapy with a Focus on Mutual Pleasure and Joy
For many of us, sex is one of the best parts of life. It can build intimacy, improve mental and physical health, and it’s just downright fun. But too many people are held back by trauma, insecurities, and/or a lack of information. I help my clients move past these concerns to build the sex life that’s right for them.
From Ace to Sleaze:
I support my clients having as much sex as is right for their drive and lifestyle, regardless of what those are. So whether you identify as asexual or want a new partner every night, I just care that you’re comfortable and fulfilled.
Threesomes, Foursomes, and Moresomes
If you’re part of the growing demographic that identifies as some form of non-monogamous or polyamorous, you’ve come to the right person! I’m very experienced in this area, and I’m capable of navigating it in individual sessions as well as with couples and groups. So if you, your primary, your two other partners and your metamour all want to have it out… well we might need to bring in an extra chair, but we’ll make it work!
Get Your Freak On
Kink is a healthy part of sex for many people, and it’s another area where I’m comfortable and informed. Maybe you’ve had a secret foot fetish for most of your life, or maybe your new partner is into pup play. Or maybe you and your spouse have a perfectly lovely DD/lg relationship and you just want a kink-friendly therapist who won’t pathologize that. I can virtually guarantee that you won’t shock me, and if you manage to raise my eyebrows I’ll give you a high five.
We Don’t Knock the Hustle in this House
Finally, my practice is very sex-worker friendly. Whether you’ve done it in the past, you’re currently doing it now, or you’re considering it for the future, I’m happy to speak with you about whatever’s on your mind.